Fluke DSX2-8000 kabelanalysator 2GHz V2 Versiv Main+Remote W/WIFI + 1yr Gold

Fluke DSX2-8000 kabelanalysator 2GHz V2

Versiv Main+Remote W/WIFI + 1yr Gold

Artikelnummer: DSX2-8000/GLD
  1 Versiv Mainframe & Remote, Integrated Wi-Fi
(2) DSX-8000 CableAnalyzer Modules,
Set of Cat 8/Class I Permanent Link Adapters,
Set of Cat 8/Class I Channel Adapters,
(2) Headsets,
(2) HandStrap,
(2) Shoulder Straps,
Carry Case,
USB Interface Cable,
Versiv Open Source Software CD,
(2) AC Chargers,
(2) Universal Couplers,
(2) AxTalk Terminators,
Statement of Calibration and Getting Started Guide